Saturday, October 17, 2009

Oct 7 Welcome party 9.BY Lynn

Wow! We had a very successful welcome party for our new first-graders. I was so joyful that all fellow then classmates were enjoying this party. Of course, I had fun, too. The party may be look nothing, but in vain, we spent a lot of time preparing for the party.(Look!! What a remarkable banner it is! ) I wanted to say, how tiring it is to hole a party! But I was really cheerful that we can did that so much better than before. I went to give a big hand to everyone, I love you so much!
By Mamat.

Oct 7 Welcome party 8--host

Wendy and Scott host the Welcome Party of this year. Their rapport is so great. The performances are really entertaining. Wendy handles the games smooth. How exciting it is! Everyone is so high. Scott is amusing. He made students laugh out loud. So did I. I think the Welcome Party of this year is the most successful one and it becomes a role model for rookies.
Scott 曾讚武

Oct 7 Welcome party 6--game

In this semester. Mechanical Drawing Section have a important active in my school. It is Mechanical Drawing Section welcome party. And, this time I have a show that is dancing!
During the active, we have a little game that is “Give me what I need.” In this game,
I am leader in my class. And I have to borrow something emcee needs. Maybe she needs ten pairs of shoes or some pens and I have to borrow them from my classmates. In the end, my class is the winner of the game, because we are a perfect team!
By Mamat

Oct 7 Welcome party 2

  Today is the time for an party to welcome the newcomers which I have expected for a long time. I am very excited to see all students of MD100B Class making arrangements for this party and to rehearsing for a show.As soon as all things are arranged, the party begin.
  I am fascinated by dancing, videos, and all students’ performance.There is a tug of war. Girls’ wining of our department makes atmosphere higher.I think all games are great. The games make all students active. The last show is our manager playing guitar. It is really interesting, and everybody have fun.
  The party this year is succeed. Although students of MD100B Class were some argument and unpleasant, I still believe students of MD100B Class relationship will be better through this party.

From B-ing (陳韋廷)

Oct 3 Mamat prepared for the welcome party.

Today, we gathered again to prepare for welcome party, therefore, Scott and Wendy learned and practice how to host. The practice of process, we always laughed. It is funny that we were nervous when we practice host, since we have never hold welcome party. Wendy's disadventage is she always laugh when she saw Scott, maybe it is not manner, but, you can understand why she always laugh if you know Scott. I think that she have to overcome this disadventage.
They practice come a conclusion and think of the welcome film of the contents. Oh my god! It is hard. However, Scott is a creative person, he always think of funny words to describe the teachers, I extremely admire him. Maybe I a little envy him.
Of course! I participate the great event of Mechanical Drafting. I accompanied us and join practice of process. I think that I would be as exciting as us this welcome party.

Oct 1 Mamat joined the morning assembly.

This morning, I joined KIHS' morning assembly. The principal and other teachers told us some important things. Later on, we did the health holding as they always do after the
morning assembly. That could make the one who felt sleepy get energy for all school day! It also made me full of energy, even now, I still feel good! Life in KIHS is very nice and substantial! I would like to stay here long and be with my friends here!

August 8 flood

At present Taiwan most popular topic is August 8 flood. A serious disaster took place. I saw these pitiful conditions on television,and grieved for the victims. Every day when I turned on the television,I saw the horrible scenes in the south of Taiwan. Thanks God very much that I am safe and sound now.

Today my father,Mother and my daddy's friend went to the inflicted area in Kaohsiung county together. I worried about them very much at home. I wanted to go with them to help and give my care. But Daddy said that it was very dangerous to stay in the inflicted area.

I hope Taiwan can recover as soon as possible.Thanks for everybody's help.

Chappy 08/13/2009