Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Post Nichol to America by Charlie

2010 / 04 / 14

Hello everyone! My name is Charlie. Today, Scott, Ziv, and I went to the post office to send our lovely teddy bear-Nichol, to America!

We walked to the post office; the weather was pretty hot because it was at 12:00 am! I was very nervous because it was my first time to send the bear. On the contrary, Ziv and Scott had had the experience about sending to Malaysia the bear called Mamat. At the post office, Ziv was writing the letter and documents, Scott was putting stuff in the packages, and I was taking photos! Ziv wrote the documents all in Chinese because he didn’t know much English vocabulary, and neither did I. This is why we join the project-to sharpen our English skills! There were two boxes of the packages: one enclosed snacks; the other one was Nichol and the Teddy Bear Diary. All the snacks came from all the classmates and Kay, who taught us English. Unfortunately, we didn’t enough time to keep the diary, so we hoped the friends from America, can finish it perfectly for us! After all, the packages cost us NT$3300, about US$100!

When we had the work done, I finally realize “Wow! So this is how we send the teddy bear!” I was surprised and pleasant. I’m glad to join the project, how about you? Do you enjoy it? The Answer might be “Yes!” But when will Nichol come back? I don’t know. What I know is when he comes back, he will share with us lots of stories, and so will I.


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