Thursday, April 29, 2010


My school lunch

We had delicious lunch at school today. The dishes were greasy, and not to boring. Although the school lunch was greasy sometimes, the food we had today was quite healthy. It was a hot noon and I almost lost my appetite, but I still had a lot of rice. I was so happy to have my classmate, Monica, help me fill my lunch box with rice.

How to order food in Kaohsiung

I learned how to order Meal in Kaohsiung Today. We went to the restaurant and sat down at the dinner table. We could see the pens and menus on the table. First, we wrote down our table number in the lattice. For example, Table 2. Table numbers were usually in the corner of the table. If I wanted to eat the meals, I painted a horizontal line in the small or large lattice. If I felt like not eating enough and I could write “Increase in rice” in the box of “Notes”. Then I sent menu to the counter. Some restaurants asked the customers to pay giving money first and then served meals. Some restaurants would serve first and you paid before you left.

Restaurant food

Today is saturday. My friends and I worked did the painting of school together.Saying honesty,it is very fun to do homework with friends at school on holiday.
When I was tired of painting a picture,I could chat with friends. Or we did sometimes bad things,such as secretly playing the computer game.Time flew and it was noon.We went to eat lunch.We went to a restaurant(Sell Noodle) for lunch.I ordered two packets of noodles, a cabbage.Why we loved this restaurant most?There were many comics!They even had the latest comic.It was very impressive. Finally, we returned to school to complete the picture.
That’s a wonderful day .

By Mr.Brownie
(良丰Leo 家宏Hom 弘彬Henry)

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