Friday, September 11, 2009


Apa Khabar? We have had the tid-bits you sent to us. We love it! I'm wondering what Cadbury is.
We all want to taste it.

Can you tell me what the Eid festival is? I'm so curious because Mamat's costume is beautiful. Where can we buy it?

You can see the pictures above the article. why didn't he wear his spectacles? Because we gave him a pair of contact lences.

All of our classmates are very proud now because we can also brag about we know you guys and "Mamat the bear."

Scott 曾讚武

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott.. My Penang-famous nickname is Miss Lin Lon.. You can call me Lin..

    Mamat's costume is beautiful?? Thanks.. Well I ask my friends mother to sew it.. I can't even sew a button.. (>_<)

    Eid festival is a celebration..

    For example.. As a Muslim after we fast for a month.. We will celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri.. And during this period we can all eat traditional foods like Ketupat, Rendang, Bahulu and many many many more.. Personally i like my mum's special 'Ayam Masak Merah' with tomato rice.. yum!

    Men will wear Baju Melayu and women will wear Baju Kurung or Kebaya.. If you want to look at some of the clothing you can google it.. Of course the clothes are new for each year.. Hari Raya Aidilfitri is a very happy day for us.. We will ask for forgiveness of the old people like your mom and dad and aunts and uncles if you had made a mistake with them in the past..
    We will visit our distant relatives and collect 'duit raya'. It is very similar to angpau.. I ussually collect RM 100 ++.. Yey me! Hehe..

    Cadbury is a famous chocolate.. I prefer Blackforest flavour.. It taste good.. Mamat and I share the same point of view toward sweets.. Cadbury is to die for when I am feeling stressed.. My big exam is coming right up next week.. wish me luck!!~
