Sunday, September 13, 2009

For Malaysia by Sandra

Hello,everyone! I’m Sandra.
Mamat is a handsome baby. How old is Mamat ?
Mamat’s hobby is sleeping and mine is the same. I am also afraid of the dark and a ghost.

So I don’t watch horrible movies. Mamat wear contact lenses at school.
So I seldom see him wear spectacles. But why is Mamat short-sighted? I wear spectacles too.
It is so inconvenient.

We believe you! Mamat eats Cadbury when he is watching television and soaking-bath. Since Mamat come to Taiwan, he has eaten all kinds of local snacks in Taiwan. Especially, Mamat likes to eat the Stinky Tofu and Papaya Mike,and Mamat gained some weights. So we go on a diet together, play basketball and ride bicycles.

Please feel relieved! We take good care of Mamat. We will not let him get injured. He is good here. Don’t worry about him. Thanks for your attention for Chance. We wish your dream to come true.

By Sandra (李家萱)

My E-mail:

1 comment:

  1. Hello that your real name? oh? Since when Mamat wear contact lenses?
