Sunday, September 13, 2009

The World Games 2009 BY.Monica

Today is May, 20, 2009. Today is the concert for the opening of The World Games 2009.

I went home with Chance by MRT. We arrived at The World Games station. The World Games station was crowded. The road in front of the World Games Main Stadium was closed.

I wanted to watch The World Games Concert, but I didn’t buy tickets so I was sad.

(picture from

 Today is July, 23, 2009. I went to watch Racquetball games with my classmates and my homeroom teacher.

Although I didn’t know the rules of racquetball at first, this game made me nervous and excited. I think I love the game after watching the top player play of the world.

Today is July, 26, 2009. Today is the closing ceremony of 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung.

I went to World Games Main Stadium to watch the closing ceremony with my parents, aunt, uncle and cousins.

We got a LED light when we entered the Main Stadium. When all of the spectators in World Games Main Stadium turned on their LED light, the stadium resembled the galaxy.

The first show was the Taiwanese singer Chen Sheng. His voice was very distinctive and gentle. He sang Taiwanese songs.

Many of the commissioners delivered addresses. International World Games Association (IWGA) President Ron Froehlich said the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung was the best games ever.

The last show was the Taiwanese rock star Wu Bai singing performance. All of the spectators were very excited.

The closing ceremony of the World Games 2009 is the best show that I’ve ever watched.

I very proud because I am a citizen of Kaohsiung.

(picture from
(picture from Monica and Monica's friend)

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