Sunday, September 27, 2009

For Shaik Abdul Rahman by Scott

Hi ! My name is Scott. I'm your new penpal in Taiwan. I'm seventeen-year-old teenager,and I study in Kaohsiung Industrial High School Mechanical Drafting Department. We are learning to design something mechanical and preparing to be a successful mechanical engineer.

In Taiwan,there are diverse races and people on the island get along well. We have the Taiwanese,the Hakka and the aborigines.

Because of it,there are a variety of delicious foods here. Now,let me introduce you the best-selected.

Stinky tofu is one of my favorite. It's badly stinky but it tastes not only crispy but tender inside. Another one is Oyster omlet. Oyster is the seafood which I love most. It's made from eggs,vegetable,oyster and so on. Then,it is sprinkled the special sauce on it. How wonderful !

Tapioca tea is the top of the list. It is the champion drink in Taiwan. The tapioca tastes like gum, and you can cheeeeew it again and again. The little black things that you can chew it called “Pearls.”It's beautiful name draws many curious foreigners and they're eager to try some. Hope you love it !

       stink tofu                                           otsyer omlet                                            tapioca tea

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                                                                                                                     by Scott


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