Monday, September 14, 2009

For Malaysia by Irose and Mars

Hello everyone!

I’m Irose. Mamat is all right here. Is Chance everything good there ? I hope he didn’t get you in trouble.

I’m courious about something in your letter like cadbury,the movie” The Dark is Rising “ and why Mamat is short –sighted? He is so young. I have no idea about it,can you tell us? Then we can bring more fur for Mamat.

Taiwan is a very interesting place,we hope we can take Mamat to travel around Taiwan,then when he goes back to Malaysia,he can tell you many interesting things.

Hello !

 I’m Mars. Mamat and I are good friend. He is very cute,big and handsome. I really like him.

 Mamat was living in my home during Typhoon Morakot. There was serious disasters in south of Tawian. We were sad that we didn’t prepare for protecting our land. Mamat was crying,and he paryed for everyone well.

 Mamat kwen everybody was unhappy for a long time,but he want to do something. He gave some money to a foumdation by a credit card.

 Mamat and I felt good beacuse we were doing that we can do.

 Fianlly Mamat ask everybody in Malaysia how are you?

Best wish
By Irose(林毅柔) and Mars(馬振銘)

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