Sunday, September 13, 2009

For Malaysia by Andy Roy Jeter Eric

Hi ! We are Taiwanese student. We received your bear during the summer vacation. We felt merry because we made a new”friend” Mamat. We will take him to visit our campus. Don't worry. We can take care of him. We will make him happy. We hoped him who enjoyed Taiwanese life.

Sometime,we bring Mamat to eat Taiwanese food. Like stinky tofu or tapioca milk tea and coffin,oyster omelet and many kinds of food. They are very delicious. In Taiwan,one of the famous and popular food is Taiwanese fried chicken. Everyone likes it ! Mamat even cried when he ate it ! Mamat said ”he likes Taiwanese food very much.”

Mamat's hobby is sleeping. Maybe that is everyone's hobby. What kind of food does he eat ? Why does he like to eat cadbury ? Is “The Dark is Rising” is a horror movie ? It's name like a horror movie. We think we got a happy memory.

Thank you for your snacks , I haven't oaten any of them in Taiwanese never seen. For me, they are very special, and let me know more about Malaysia's delicious snacks . We appreciate your generosity. I am looking forward to your snacks . XD

By Andy(劉沛誠) Roy(薛乃魁) Jeter(鄭弘彬) Eric(蕭宇呈)

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys.. My most famous nickname so far is Miss Lin Lon.. you can call me Lin..

    Well The Dark Is Rising is not a horror movie.. Its kinda like a fairytale.. I can't tell you properly.. You have to watch it yourself..

    Erm... Malaysia snacks are Apom Balik.. Its really good.. I also enjoy ToFu Fa (it is soy bean with brown sugar).. Ayam Percik, Laksa, Nasi Impit with Kuah Kacang, Sate, Putu Mayam.. These snacks are really good.. If you ever come to Malaysia, please try them all!
