Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Morakot Tyghoon by Mars

This three day

I am Mamat. I was alone staying in the homeroom teacher’s office when Typhoon Morakot hit Tawian. The wind and rain outside were so fearful that started to feel that was restless and irritable, I turned on the television to watch the news. Morakot typhoon caused of the serious disasters and the casualty that I had never seen. Most of the bridges broke down. The south disaster was more serious.
Many places in Kaohsing came under serious attack and flood had covered their homeland. We should rejoice that we have survived down.
The large amount of rainfall made the resovoirs relast their storang of the water and influenced the downstream villages. The heartless flood destroyed happy village. No buildings remained.
The rescued family member shiuted with all their might,”Save my family”. I was sad when srring them, I can only donate money to help them restore their homeland at this moment. I knew the terrible scene would remain in their heart.

Best Wish

by Mamat

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

For Faldo by Monica

Hello, Faldo. I’m cheerful that I received your letters. I’m surprised why your name is so long. Many of your nicknames are so cute that I can’t choose one. Finally, I decided to call you Faldo because it is your famous nickname. The origin is so spectacular. I have a question after reading it. What are Kelantan and Penang? Are they city names?

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself to you. You can call me, Monica, which is my English name. My Chinese name is Wu Meng-Syuan. I guess you think it is so short. Ha! I study in Mechenical Drafting of department, which is in Kaohsiung industry high school (KIHS).

I can understand your feeling. I am so cheerful and excited because I get a new friend from Malaysia by joining the teddy bear project. By sending the letter, I got a amazed feeling. I feel we will understand each other in the long run. I hope we can keep contact. You can send mail to for me. I think we will have a lot of fun talking in the future.

Best wishes,

BY. Monica

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Oct 7 a tug of war by.Monica

I am Mamat.
Today is an evening party to welcome the newcomers in Mechenical Drafting of department. Although all of shows were very wonderful, a tug of war was more exciting.

All of people in Mechenical Drafting of department are nervous because we get a women team championship for seven years.

When the contest was begin, encouraging sound around the competition arena.

All of students wanted their department win.

The first we compete with Comprehensive High School which is one of strong teams.

All contestants were use their all power to pull.

Finally, we are win. =]

By. Mamat

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Oct 7 Welcome party 9.BY Lynn

Wow! We had a very successful welcome party for our new first-graders. I was so joyful that all fellow then classmates were enjoying this party. Of course, I had fun, too. The party may be look nothing, but in vain, we spent a lot of time preparing for the party.(Look!! What a remarkable banner it is! ) I wanted to say, how tiring it is to hole a party! But I was really cheerful that we can did that so much better than before. I went to give a big hand to everyone, I love you so much!
By Mamat.

Oct 7 Welcome party 8--host

Wendy and Scott host the Welcome Party of this year. Their rapport is so great. The performances are really entertaining. Wendy handles the games smooth. How exciting it is! Everyone is so high. Scott is amusing. He made students laugh out loud. So did I. I think the Welcome Party of this year is the most successful one and it becomes a role model for rookies.
Scott 曾讚武

Oct 7 Welcome party 6--game

In this semester. Mechanical Drawing Section have a important active in my school. It is Mechanical Drawing Section welcome party. And, this time I have a show that is dancing!
During the active, we have a little game that is “Give me what I need.” In this game,
I am leader in my class. And I have to borrow something emcee needs. Maybe she needs ten pairs of shoes or some pens and I have to borrow them from my classmates. In the end, my class is the winner of the game, because we are a perfect team!
By Mamat

Oct 7 Welcome party 2

  Today is the time for an party to welcome the newcomers which I have expected for a long time. I am very excited to see all students of MD100B Class making arrangements for this party and to rehearsing for a show.As soon as all things are arranged, the party begin.
  I am fascinated by dancing, videos, and all students’ performance.There is a tug of war. Girls’ wining of our department makes atmosphere higher.I think all games are great. The games make all students active. The last show is our manager playing guitar. It is really interesting, and everybody have fun.
  The party this year is succeed. Although students of MD100B Class were some argument and unpleasant, I still believe students of MD100B Class relationship will be better through this party.

From B-ing (陳韋廷)

Oct 3 Mamat prepared for the welcome party.

Today, we gathered again to prepare for welcome party, therefore, Scott and Wendy learned and practice how to host. The practice of process, we always laughed. It is funny that we were nervous when we practice host, since we have never hold welcome party. Wendy's disadventage is she always laugh when she saw Scott, maybe it is not manner, but, you can understand why she always laugh if you know Scott. I think that she have to overcome this disadventage.
They practice come a conclusion and think of the welcome film of the contents. Oh my god! It is hard. However, Scott is a creative person, he always think of funny words to describe the teachers, I extremely admire him. Maybe I a little envy him.
Of course! I participate the great event of Mechanical Drafting. I accompanied us and join practice of process. I think that I would be as exciting as us this welcome party.

Oct 1 Mamat joined the morning assembly.

This morning, I joined KIHS' morning assembly. The principal and other teachers told us some important things. Later on, we did the health holding as they always do after the
morning assembly. That could make the one who felt sleepy get energy for all school day! It also made me full of energy, even now, I still feel good! Life in KIHS is very nice and substantial! I would like to stay here long and be with my friends here!

August 8 flood

At present Taiwan most popular topic is August 8 flood. A serious disaster took place. I saw these pitiful conditions on television,and grieved for the victims. Every day when I turned on the television,I saw the horrible scenes in the south of Taiwan. Thanks God very much that I am safe and sound now.

Today my father,Mother and my daddy's friend went to the inflicted area in Kaohsiung county together. I worried about them very much at home. I wanted to go with them to help and give my care. But Daddy said that it was very dangerous to stay in the inflicted area.

I hope Taiwan can recover as soon as possible.Thanks for everybody's help.

Chappy 08/13/2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

For Apa khabar from Ya-Jhu

Hi! Apa khabar? Syaflqah. Do I spell it correctly? Nice to meet you. My name is Ya-Jhu Yang. You can call me Ya-Jhu or YA, as you like. Well, I was born in Kaohsiung County on 13 October 1992. I moved once. Now I live in San-Min district, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. This year, I am seventeen years old, too. My family has three people, my father, my mother and me. I do not have any brothers or sisters. I like to read some novels and listen to Japanese music in my free time. And I like to play basketball and swim. My favorite food is spaghetti and sushi. I like to drink lemon tea, tapioca tea and water! I love all kinds of desserts made of chocolate, but I do not like the very sweet flavor. I love Teddy Bear very much, so do not worry about Mamat. I will take care him so attentively.
We started to go to school on 31 August. Now, I am a second grader in Mechanical Drafting department_ Kaohsiung Industrial High School. On October 23, the sports day, all students in our school will join the event. I will compete in broad jump and tug-of-war. On October 24, all of the second graders will hold a fair for their class. Our class, Mechanical Drafting of class B, will sell instant noodles and snowflake of ice. We decided to sell them, as they are cheaper than other foods.
Now, the weather in Taiwan is so hot and humid. What about yours?
I am so glad that I can have a pen pal. As I have not had one before, I am so rejoiced that I could have a pen pal in Malaysia. Maybe I could hear many things from you soon.

By Ya-Jhu

Sunday, September 27, 2009

For Shaik Abdul Rahman by Scott

Hi ! My name is Scott. I'm your new penpal in Taiwan. I'm seventeen-year-old teenager,and I study in Kaohsiung Industrial High School Mechanical Drafting Department. We are learning to design something mechanical and preparing to be a successful mechanical engineer.

In Taiwan,there are diverse races and people on the island get along well. We have the Taiwanese,the Hakka and the aborigines.

Because of it,there are a variety of delicious foods here. Now,let me introduce you the best-selected.

Stinky tofu is one of my favorite. It's badly stinky but it tastes not only crispy but tender inside. Another one is Oyster omlet. Oyster is the seafood which I love most. It's made from eggs,vegetable,oyster and so on. Then,it is sprinkled the special sauce on it. How wonderful !

Tapioca tea is the top of the list. It is the champion drink in Taiwan. The tapioca tastes like gum, and you can cheeeeew it again and again. The little black things that you can chew it called “Pearls.”It's beautiful name draws many curious foreigners and they're eager to try some. Hope you love it !

       stink tofu                                           otsyer omlet                                            tapioca tea

url/d/a/090913/62/1r1de.html              url/d/a/090916/62/1r6kn.html               url/d/a/090915/5/1r5dm.html

                                                                                                                     by Scott


Thursday, September 24, 2009

For Adly by Ziv

    Salutation, my name is Bo-Wun Chen.  Everyone usually calls me A-Bo or Ziv for convenience.  I'm 16 years old and I study in Kaohsiung Industrial High School.  I major in mechamical drawfting.  Although my major is drawing, it is actually related to design machines. I love spots, like bsketball, swimming, badminton, and track and field, but I hate playing football and baseball, because I usually couldn't kick or hit the ball.  I'm not handsome but I'm a sunny boy, though sometimes dojected.
    Speaking of my school life, my homeroom teacher is excellent.  She is a beautiful, kind and humorous English teacher.  I love her taeching because she takes good care of our school work and makes my English better and better.  Because of her, I can talk with foreigner and have a pen pel like you.
    By the way, I love your bear, Mamat.  Our classmates and I have brought Mamat to go to lots of places in Kaohsiung city in Taiwan.  And nice to meet you, hope we can keep in touch by mail.                                                                       By Ziv

Sunday, September 20, 2009

For Lia by B-ling.

Dear Lia:
  Hello, my dear new friend, nice to meet you, too. Oh, my name is B-ing. I'm 17 years old girl, too. I live in Taiwan and study in KIHS. I go to school by bus or bike. It's far to go to my school. My birthday is on 8 th December 1992. My hobbies are dancing in the scout club, singing in KTVs, going to the movies and playing computer games. What's your favourite Japanesse cartoon? Is it the picture in the letter? I like to stay with my friends of junior high school anytime. In our school, boys' uniforms are green, and girls' are yellow. If you want to see the uniform, I can send some pictures to you in the next letter.
  Right! Although my English is not good, I will try to respond to every letter from you. I hope to be a good friend, too. My email is

Your new friend B-ing.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mamat's taking a nap. By Kay

  In Taiwan, students are required to take a nap after they finish their lunch. The experience is quite new to me. Although it is not very comfortable to take a nap in the extremely hot classroom, most of my classmates put their arms on the desk with their heads down, trying to get a nap, including me. Kevin, Ziv, and Charlie are responsible for maintaining order during the nap time. If any of the classmates breaks the rule, they will report to Kay, their homeroom teacher, and she will punish the violator. See, I am taking a good nap and it will make me energetic for the classes in the afternoon.

^O^ I know I am cute especially when I am being good.

By Mamat


Friday, September 18, 2009

September 16 Lunch time 4.BY Lynn

Hello! My friends,
I want to show you about this picture. I was eating my lunch, but I thought other`s lunch was more delicious than mine. Look at this picture. I was looking at her lunch box, and I wanted to join for their talks. When I was listening to their talks, Kay was taking pictures for us. So I did not hear anything.
Oh~That was too bad. But I had a wonderful lunch time. I really enjoyed this time.
By Mamat.

September 16 Lunch Time 2

This is the most marvelous moment in this school. Because we can have lunch and talk to each other. I had lunch with Alan,Scott and GK. They are all friendly but GK was holding so hard that I can't eat comfortable.

Finally,Alan and GK went to wash their dishes. I felt thirsty and Scott gave his dietary fibre juice to me. We are so happy.

By Scott

September 16 Lunch time in MD class B By A-Bo

    In Kaohsiung Industrial High School, we have lunch from 12:00 to 12:30.
    After lunch, we have half an hour to take a nap.
    Look at the picture! A-Bo held me so that I could help my classmate get the rice and vegetales. Thank you so much for carrying me at the lunch bar.     Hope I can continue to help my classmates!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

For Malaysia. by Angela

Nice to meet you! I'm Angela(Jhuang-Yan-Rong). I'm a 16-year-old girl. My family has six people. I have a young brother. I often share my things with him. I also keep a dog. She is cute and energetic. I was born in Pingtung. Pingtung is located in the south of Taiwan. The weather in Pingtung is hot, even in winter. Pingtung's specialty is fruits, such as wax-apples , pineapple , banana , and so on.

My favorite fruits are strawberries and mangoes, because they are sweet , juicy and tasty. How about you? My hobbies are listening to music , seeing movies , going cycling. I often do that in my free time. By doing that, I can relax myself.

 I like English best of all the subjects. Learning English is interesting. It helps me communicate with foreigners more easily. I am poor in physics. I often burst my brain while I am writing the homework of physics.

I have a lot of wishes. To realize my wishes, I must do my best and work hard. Above all , I have to make great efforts so that I can enter university.

By the way, I like Chiness New Year , Moon Festival and Christmas Day, and you?
The Taiwaness are friendly and passionate. Hope you can visit Taiwan one day.
Lastly, I wish everything go well with you. Goodbye.

by Angela(莊晏榕)

Monday, September 14, 2009

For Malaysia by Irose and Mars

Hello everyone!

I’m Irose. Mamat is all right here. Is Chance everything good there ? I hope he didn’t get you in trouble.

I’m courious about something in your letter like cadbury,the movie” The Dark is Rising “ and why Mamat is short –sighted? He is so young. I have no idea about it,can you tell us? Then we can bring more fur for Mamat.

Taiwan is a very interesting place,we hope we can take Mamat to travel around Taiwan,then when he goes back to Malaysia,he can tell you many interesting things.

Hello !

 I’m Mars. Mamat and I are good friend. He is very cute,big and handsome. I really like him.

 Mamat was living in my home during Typhoon Morakot. There was serious disasters in south of Tawian. We were sad that we didn’t prepare for protecting our land. Mamat was crying,and he paryed for everyone well.

 Mamat kwen everybody was unhappy for a long time,but he want to do something. He gave some money to a foumdation by a credit card.

 Mamat and I felt good beacuse we were doing that we can do.

 Fianlly Mamat ask everybody in Malaysia how are you?

Best wish
By Irose(林毅柔) and Mars(馬振銘)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kay has checked your journals!

Dear students,
It's great to see that most of your have met the deadline to post your response or journal for Mamat. However, I have two suggestions for you.
1. Post your own pictures if you can. A picture is worth a thousand words.
2. If you post somebody else's picture, please cite the source 註明出處. Otherwise, you may be against the law.

Special credits to 孟軒 and millions thanks for the one who posted the guideline for everyone.

Move on, guys! And you'll find writing is fun.
BTW, remember to give feedbacks in Mamat's blog. Your feedback will mean you care about your friends in Malaysia and the project.


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The World Games 2009 BY.Monica

Today is May, 20, 2009. Today is the concert for the opening of The World Games 2009.

I went home with Chance by MRT. We arrived at The World Games station. The World Games station was crowded. The road in front of the World Games Main Stadium was closed.

I wanted to watch The World Games Concert, but I didn’t buy tickets so I was sad.

(picture from

 Today is July, 23, 2009. I went to watch Racquetball games with my classmates and my homeroom teacher.

Although I didn’t know the rules of racquetball at first, this game made me nervous and excited. I think I love the game after watching the top player play of the world.

Today is July, 26, 2009. Today is the closing ceremony of 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung.

I went to World Games Main Stadium to watch the closing ceremony with my parents, aunt, uncle and cousins.

We got a LED light when we entered the Main Stadium. When all of the spectators in World Games Main Stadium turned on their LED light, the stadium resembled the galaxy.

The first show was the Taiwanese singer Chen Sheng. His voice was very distinctive and gentle. He sang Taiwanese songs.

Many of the commissioners delivered addresses. International World Games Association (IWGA) President Ron Froehlich said the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung was the best games ever.

The last show was the Taiwanese rock star Wu Bai singing performance. All of the spectators were very excited.

The closing ceremony of the World Games 2009 is the best show that I’ve ever watched.

I very proud because I am a citizen of Kaohsiung.

(picture from
(picture from Monica and Monica's friend)

For Malaysia by Monica

Hello everyone in Malaysia. We are cheerful that we receive your letters, food and Mamat. Mamat is a nice and cute bear. All of us love him very much. He always have questions about Taiwanese things. He is a curious little bear.

I have a lot of questions about Malaysian culture. For example, Taiwan have lots of festive but it doesn’t have the Eid festive. I’m so curious about what the Eid festive in Malaysia is. I think it is an interesting festive.

Mamat wears Malaysian traditional costume. It is unusual in Taiwan. It is so different from Taiwanese traditional costumes.

We received Malaysian tid-bits. All of the classmates were very amazed because the Malaysian tid-bits were unusual. Although they were unusual, it was delicious.

Mamat is Malaysia’s ambassador to Taiwan. We will take him to every place, to taste Taiwanese food and to participate in Taiwanese culture. I think we are sure to give Mamat a memorable time. I hope you can experience Taiwanese culture by yourselves some day in the future.

BY. Monica (吳孟軒)

For Malaysia by Alan

I am happy to hear about things about Mamat.
But there are some letters I don't know what they mean likes Cadbury and tid-bits .........
I like Mamat because he is so soft and so fragrant !
The food in the box is testy and so special because I haven't had any of them before!
I hope to see you one day and we can know each other better !

by Alan ( 陳裕霖 )

From Turtle O-lan Jacky Boat

Yo!!What's up?
你好嗎Ni how ma(it's means "How are you " in chinese.)? We are MDclassB.
Mamat in Taiwan is very comfortable. He is always happy.
When we saw him in the box ,he looked unhappy.
Maybe it was because the box was so dark ,But he is always happy with us.
We watched "Twilight" together ,and he cried. So we gave him a hug.
"Twilight" was so ramantic ,and always made people cry.
At the end of the movie ,we went to Jacky's home to sleep.
Yesterday ,we ate breakfast together because Mamat wanted to shop some clothes.
We decided go to Centrl Park station ,a very famous shopping place in Kaoshiung.
He is always happy.
Best wishes,

For Malaysia by Sandra

Hello,everyone! I’m Sandra.
Mamat is a handsome baby. How old is Mamat ?
Mamat’s hobby is sleeping and mine is the same. I am also afraid of the dark and a ghost.

So I don’t watch horrible movies. Mamat wear contact lenses at school.
So I seldom see him wear spectacles. But why is Mamat short-sighted? I wear spectacles too.
It is so inconvenient.

We believe you! Mamat eats Cadbury when he is watching television and soaking-bath. Since Mamat come to Taiwan, he has eaten all kinds of local snacks in Taiwan. Especially, Mamat likes to eat the Stinky Tofu and Papaya Mike,and Mamat gained some weights. So we go on a diet together, play basketball and ride bicycles.

Please feel relieved! We take good care of Mamat. We will not let him get injured. He is good here. Don’t worry about him. Thanks for your attention for Chance. We wish your dream to come true.

By Sandra (李家萱)

My E-mail:

For Malaysia by Tina

Hello! My name is Tina. Nice to meet you and your Teddy Bear Mamat. Mamat is a very cute bear. We all like him. We know Mamat is afraid of darkness. So everyday when we finish our class, we will take Mamat home. We also know Mamat like to eat Cadbury, but I don't konw what Cadbury is? Can you tell me what this is? We know Mamat wants to watch Twilight and 27 Dresses very much, so may watch the movies with Mamat. Finally we will take good care of Mamat and hope Mamat will feel happy in Taiwan. We will teach him some Traditional things about Taiwan.

Bye Bye!!

By Tina (沈玉婷)

For Malaysia by Sunny

Hello! Everyone in Malaysia. How are you?My name is Sunny Lin. Nice to meet you. Mamat is so cute a bear that we love him so much. Mamat’s hobby is sleeping and is mine. but I am not afraid of darkess. so I can do my best to protect Mamat from being afraid it.
This year.Mamat in Taiwan joined the 88 Morakot typhoon Relief activity . gave us a big power, Mamat saw something diffieren,including Taiwan’s sencry , Taiwan’s food.Belive me. He can learn a lot of experience here and bring all the experiences to share with you. And I want to know about Mamat’s life, for example, Why is Mamat short-sighted?How old is Mamat?WhatisMamat’sdream?
Can you tell me more about your hometown?For example, what the Eid festival?Is it like the lunar New Year in Taiwan?Everyone celebrates it together the island filled with laugher all around.
Finally,Mamat in Taiwan is very happy everyday. But sometime he misses you very much. Don’t worry we can take good care of him and join the tebby bear project and exchange the experience with you. I’m very happy and it is my pleasure to know you. One day , welcome to Taiwan.

Best Wishes

By Sunny (林依慧)

For Malaysia by Charlie

To you guys:
Hey! Everyone. I'm glad to write you a letter. My name is Charlie, one of Mamat's best friends! He is now beside me. Say hi to them, Mamat! See? He is very nice and lively here!
I saw you talk about Twilight in the letter. I don't know that Mamat would like to see the movie as I and my sister, who had read all four books. The New Moon isn't in theaters now, but when it is on, we will buy a children ticket for him to watch.
By the way, the Keelung Ghost Day Festival in Taiwan is coming soon. In this Festival, we offer food to ghosts, who we call "Good Brothers" and our ancestors. To bless that we will have another good year gives Keelung Ghost Day Festival positive significance as a time for remembering the importance of filial piety.
I hope you can tell us more about your country, and about Chance's life there. Have a good time! Bye bye!
Charlie(陳力瑋) 2009.9.1

For Malaysia by B-ling.

  I am fine. Nine to meet you. I am very happy to receive Mamat from Malaysia. I love him and your traditiond costume becuase Mamat's clothes are so cute.
  Thanks for telling me about Mamat's hobby, I won't take him to go to movie, but l love Cadbury Chocolate, too. Maybe, I can eat Cadbury every day with Mamat.
  Don't worry about Mamat. My classmate and I will take care of Mamat every moment. We have many wonderful memory to give Mamat in Taiwan.
  I believe that your hope will be achieved. I hope Chance's will come true, too. Maybe, I won't join Teddy Bear Project next year becuase I have to prepare for the collage enterance exam.
  I can take good care of Mamat, I won't let him get hurt by anything.
  I think the costome that you dressed him up is cute. How do you feel about our Chance?
  I won't absolutely let Mamat feel unhappy in Taiwan, so he doesn't have to be nervous. We will give him Taiwan's enthusiasm.
  I hope the pen pal's relationship can continue. We can change culture experience, which is very great. I think you take care good of our chance, he will grow up happily.
  Well, I will take him to go to Shi-Hzuwan, looking at the sunset. Shi-Hzuwan is spot in the south of Taiwan the famous scenic. I think Mamat will like here.
Thanks. I will like him and love you so much.

By B-ling (陳韋廷)

For Malaysia by Ellen

khabar baik . Hello ! My name is Yi Lun He . Ellen is my English name . I’m 16 years old . I’m study in Kaohsiung industrial high school .

Mamat and we went to The World Games 2009 Kaohsiung for the racquetball . The competitions were very intense . Sometimes the players were hit by the ball . It seemed hurt . Although the players got hurt and bled, they finished the whole games . The athletes’ sportsmanship was admirable .

How do you celebrate in New Year ? We always Set off the fireworks , eat the family reunion dinner , and play poker at night .

By the way , I have some questions about the content of your letter . Can you answer for me ? What’s the movie “ The Dark is Rising ” . I never watched it before . What’s the Eid festival ? Can you introduce the festival to me ? What do you usually do during this festival ? Whats the Cadbury ? How is the taste of it ?

By Ellen (何宜倫)

For Malaysia by Super

Hi friends!
NiHoMa (it means“ How are you” in Chinese)? We received your bear Mamat and letters. We were very glad that we could make friend with you.
My name is Bo-Jia Su. My classmates always call me “Super” because my name “Su Bo” in Chinese sounds like “Super” in English. So you can call me “Super.”
In Kaohsiung, there are many beautiful places likes, Love River, Liao-he Night market, Dream Mall (A department store) and so on. We will take Mamat to go to many places and give him a lot of good time. By the way, in the World Games in Kaohsiung, we also took him to watch the game, Racquet-ball. He enjoyed that terribly.

2009.09.13 by Super

From Kevien Poky Shake

 Hi,we are from Taiwan.We Shake,Poky and Kevien.We are the best friends.We are studying at the same school,in the same.So we meet each other every day.

 From Monday to Friday,we have to go to school to study.But Saturday and Sunday are our holidays.We usually go hiking,go swimming play basketball and play computer games together.And we like to play together on Taiwan's New year Day.

 Our favorite activity is taking a travel everywhere in Taiwan.We are planning to ride a bike to travel around Taiwan now.We want to see all the beautiful views in Taiwan. I think you can join us and have fun.I hope you like it.

By Kevien,Poky and Shake(方麒凱 包竣宇 謝琮興 )

For Malaysia by Cindy

How do you do? My name is Cindy. I am glad to see you. I am a student in the grade 2 of high schol. I like your's baby bear-Mamat.
He is so cute, although he is very big.Unn...Can I ask some questions? First, what is "Eid festival"mean? Is it fun? Second, Mamat is a baby bear,why can he be near-sighted? Thire, what is the Dark is Rising of movies? Is it a ghost piece? At last, what is cadbuay? Is it a plants or leaves of tree?
We will give Namat an unfargettable reremberance in Taiwan. We take him to a lot of plances to play, and we let he join a very meaning activity,which is about the calamity. Can you talk baout some things of Mamaysia?
Finally, thank you your's cookie. It is so nice. We hope you con taste snacks in Taiwan.

by Cindy(阮竹吟)

For Malaysia by Andy Roy Jeter Eric

Hi ! We are Taiwanese student. We received your bear during the summer vacation. We felt merry because we made a new”friend” Mamat. We will take him to visit our campus. Don't worry. We can take care of him. We will make him happy. We hoped him who enjoyed Taiwanese life.

Sometime,we bring Mamat to eat Taiwanese food. Like stinky tofu or tapioca milk tea and coffin,oyster omelet and many kinds of food. They are very delicious. In Taiwan,one of the famous and popular food is Taiwanese fried chicken. Everyone likes it ! Mamat even cried when he ate it ! Mamat said ”he likes Taiwanese food very much.”

Mamat's hobby is sleeping. Maybe that is everyone's hobby. What kind of food does he eat ? Why does he like to eat cadbury ? Is “The Dark is Rising” is a horror movie ? It's name like a horror movie. We think we got a happy memory.

Thank you for your snacks , I haven't oaten any of them in Taiwanese never seen. For me, they are very special, and let me know more about Malaysia's delicious snacks . We appreciate your generosity. I am looking forward to your snacks . XD

By Andy(劉沛誠) Roy(薛乃魁) Jeter(鄭弘彬) Eric(蕭宇呈)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

2009/09/07.For Malaysia. BY Wendy

Hello! How do you do? I am Jhong Yu Ting. You can call me Wendy. Hmm…….I am sixteen years old. Can you tell me about SMK Mengkuang?

Novels? I love novels, but romance is not my favorite novels, my favorite novels is about adventurous stories, maybe I am not like normal girls. Therefore, Darren Shan is one of the authors I like. However, I have read some romance such as Twilight.

Nervous? Ha! You are cute girls. Is Pylay Pinang your hometown? Can you tell me more about there? I think there is a beautiful place.

When I speak of our culture, the coming festival is the Dead Spirit Festival. This day, the Taiwanese always prepare a lot of things to eat such as fish, chicken, cookies, candy, pork and so on. Do not forget chopsticks and bowls. Sure! You want to say why! Because the ghost did something bad, they can not stop being punished until this mouth, July. July can rest and eat a lot of food. Do you have the similar festival? You can share it with me.

I want to tell you many many many events about our culture and about local foods, but I can not tell you all at a time. I promise I will continue to write a letter to you when I am free.

Then, I love music, too. But, my classmates always laugh at me when I sing the song. Recently, I love the song is bad day. Have you ever listened to it?

Oh! That is too disappointing. Do not be depressed. I am sure that you will be successful. If you never give up and work harder, your dream is sure to come true one day.

By Wendy(鍾育庭)

For Malaysia by Polly

I'm Polly,the student from Taiwan.How are you? I'm very pleased to receive your letter.Mamat is so cute a bear that our class all love him.And we will take care of him carefully.
Thank you for sending some Malaysia tid-bits for us.And we very lucky to taste them.They are so delicious.I hope to have them afterwards.

Best wishes

By Polly (黃姿宜)

For Malasia by Karen

hello,How are you?Mamat is a cute bear.At the letter,he is wearing Malaysian traditional costume that men usually wear during the Eid festival in Malaysian.But in Taiwan, we do not have Eid festival . I do not know what it means . Can you tell me?
Mamat's hobby is the same as min.I like adventures. I'm not afraid of the dark!
Now Mamat is not nervous because we take good care of him and he is used to the life here.
By the way, Malaysian tid-bits is very good . We like them ,so we will take Mamat to eat all of Taiwan local tid-bits. He will share what he learns with!

Bye Bye!!

by Karen (陳怡青)

For Malaysia by Ziv

Hi! Everybady.
My name is Ziv, and you can also call me A-Bo(because my Chinese name is Bo-Wun Chen). I study in the Kaohsiung Industrial High School in Taiwan, and I major in mechamical drafting. I like playing basketball and surfing the Internet.
I'm glad to know the new classmate, Mamat. I like Mamat's costume with Malaysia's tradition. However. it's our pleasure to have the special classmate, Mamat. We will bring Mamat to know what is Taiwan tradition. I think Mamat will be happy everyday in Taiwan.
Nice to meet YOU!

By Ziv(陳柏文)

Lynn for Malaysia's students

Hello! Everyone

I am so glad to receive your letter. I love Mamat so much. He is so soft like pillows. Of cause, he is so cute that my friends want to buy the same as him to home. We always want to play to him, and he likes sleep very much that we just take photos to his sleeping face. And, this is my first time to see bear’s spectacles. That’s so cool. And, is Mamat like to eat turnips? I think he really needs to eat the turnips. As it can hope for Mamat’s eyes. I think maybe Mamat will be happy in Taiwan.

By Lynn(楊雅筑)